Lazer Resurfacing
Lasers have given us the first thoroughly scientific and computer controlled instrument for face and neck resurfacing. Prior to lasers, chemicals or dermabrasion were used to resurface the face, these procedures do not have control over the thickness of skin and wrinkles removed. The laser can precisely vaporize unwanted wrinkles, pigmentation, and sun-damaged areas of the face. The laser energy is applied to the necessary depth to alleviate the problems presented.
The new dual wavelength laser has an Erbium wavelength which removes extremely thin layers of tissue, and a CO2 wavelength which provides the beneficial heating to deeper tissue. The procedure is performed with little discomfort. An entire face can be treated within an hour. Rapid healing is insured using medicines for accelerated healing. There is little residual redness and make-up can be applied to the face in as few as five days after the procedure.
Lazer Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal System is a pulsed non-invasive light therapy tool specifically designed to get rid of undesired hair from all parts of the body. The Laser uses pulsed light to eliminate hair and deminish hair regrowth. Cool gel and a hand-held device is gently applied to the skin. Pulses of light safely penetrate the skin and impair hundreds of hair follicles together. Much of the hair is wiped off when the gel is removed. Within a week or twothe remaining hair in the treated area falls out .
Facial Peel
A chemical peel is a procedure used to treat facial discoloration such as brown, mottled or muddy pigment usually from the sun or the combination of sun and/or hormone treatment. They also help tighten the facial pores and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. Chemical peels can also improve whiteheads and blackheads that are seen with acne. There are different types of chemical peels. We usually think of them as superficial or light chemical peels versus medium depth chemical peels or deep chemical peels
In the past decade, a dramatic transformation of rejuvenation procedures has occurred. It began with dermabrasion and deep chemical peels progressing to deeper laser resurfacing. Although effectively dealing with some aspects of coetaneous photoaging, these were usually associated with significant downtime and side effects. While patients have benefited dramatically from ablative C02 and erbium resurfacing, as well as lasers for vascular and pigmented lesions, many of them cannot tolerate these procedures either because of associated pain, potential side effects, or prolonged downtime with loss of income.
Botox® is a purified protein toxin produced by the clostridium botulinum bacteria. Although Botox® is a toxin, there have been no serious side effects. This is because, for the treatment described, it is used in extremely small amounts and does not spread throughout the body. The most common areas for the use of Botox® are the frown lines between the eyebrows, the horizontal forehead lines, and the crow’s feet. On occasion, some other areas can be treated as well.
lntroduced in the 1980’s by Collagen Aesthetics, Zyderm and Zyplast implants have set the standard for reducing facial lines, wrinkles and scars and providing lip enhancement. Treatment with Zyderm and Zyplast implants remains the leading, safe and effective procedure for replenishing the skin’s natural collagen.
Acne Information
Acne need not be feared as something untreatable, nor simply endured stoically because everybody knows it goes away at 21.” We want to prevent scars that acne can leave. Years of untreated acne can leave a lifelong imprint on a person’s face and can have an effect on his or her self-image. While acne may not be curable, at least until adolescence is over, it is usually controllable. Although treatment does not always achieve the desired level of good results, it is almost always helpful.
Acne has many forms, and various treatments are available for its control. An individual approach to care and therapy is important in many instances. Thus, the course of therapy will vary according to such factors as type of acne, its severity and extent, and the patient’s day-to-day activities. Further, we must find out first if the disorder truly is acne. Occasionally an eruption can look like acne but be due to another cause – such as contact with substances like cosmetics, perfumes, internal drugs, grooming aids, waxes or cleaning agents. Only your physician can correctly diagnose the condition
What is microdermabrasion? Microdermabrasion is a procedure that uses a highly controlled stream of fine aluminum oxide crystals, which are sprayed onto the skin under pressure and suctioned, by simultaneous vacuum to remove the very top layer (stratum corneum) of the skin. The FDA approved this procedure in 1997, after having been used successfully for years in Europe. This offers the patients an intermediate form of resurfacing between chemical peels and laser resurfacing. This procedure is more effective than superficial chemical peels, which we have been offering.
Tattoo Removal
There are many factors involved in laser tattoo removal; the physician must understand these parameters in detail. Most amateur tattoos are removed in 1 to 4 treatments scheduled about 4 weeks apart. Removing a professionally applied tattoo is usually a fading process that requires a series of treatments spaced approximately 8 weeks apart. Professional tattoos usually require 6-10 treatments for complete clearing.
PhotoDerm or Multi light systems witched laser has produced the best results, what it means that the laser is very quickly pulsed this is why it is able to dissolve the tattoo ink without destroying the skin. The ink absorbs the only visible damage; your tattoo will scab for a couple of weeks.
VascuLight treats many types of leg veins including shallow spider veins and reticular veins. Vasculight also treats benign pigmented lesions such as age spots, birthmarks and tattoos, Spider Veins are very small veins caused by a dilation of the small venues under the skin. This occurs when the pressure inside the vein increases enough to overcome normal resistance of the vein wall. The ability of veins to resist increased pressure is reduced in women when the blood level of estrogen and progesterone is reduced. Reticular Veins are small, bluish colored veins that carry blood to the skin venues and therefore, are larger. These veins have thin walls and dilate with excessive venous pressure. When this occurs, they become large enough to be unsightly, but are not considered to be varicose veins. Varicose Veins are large; bulging veins often associated with tired, painful or achy legs. Sometimes varicose veins are deeper under the skin surface and not visible; however, the symptoms tend to be the same, Faulty valves in the veins, which allow some blood circulation to fall backward instead of on course to the heart, cause varicose veins. Sclerotherapy or injections may treat these veins.
Birthmark Removal
People who feel their birthmarks may cause risks to their health constitute as qualified candidates for the procedure, as would those who are bothered by the appearance of birthmarks. Undergoing birthmark removal can help enhance one’s appearance and possibly provide a boost to one’s self-esteem. However, one must remember that cosmetic surgery is meant for improvement, not perfection. It is important to have realistic goals and expectations when considering birthmark removal.
An exciting new cellulite treatment program called Silhouette uses advanced technology to combine sub-atmospheric pressure with a state-of-the-art mechanical massage to enhance your slimmer, trimmer figure and helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Silhouette treatments are helping women and men throughout the United States enjoy remarkable results after only a few weeks. Our Silhouette treatments enable patients to realize an actual reduction in the appearance of cellulite, a marked improvement in skin tone and a decrease in the volume of the figure.
Micro Needling
Skin needling is also called micro-needling therapy or collagen induction therapy. It is a minimally-invasive non-surgical and nonablative procedure for facial rejuvenation that involves the use of a micro-needling device to create controlled skin injury. As each fine needle punctures the skin, it creates a channel or micro-wound. The controlled injury triggers the body to fill these micro-wounds by producing new collagen and elastin in the papillary dermis. In addition, new capillaries are formed. This neovascularisation and neocollagenesis following treatment leads to reduction of scars and skin rejuvenation, i.e., improved skin texture, firmness and hydration.
Ultrasound Cavitation
Ultrasonic Cavitation or Ultrasound Liposuction is a new, non-surgical fat removal procedure. This revolutionary procedure was designed in Europe. Because there is no surgery and no anesthesia, there is no hospital stay, no time off from work and no recovery time. Clients see immediate results and will continue to see results in the reduction of fat up to a week following the treatment.